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,lexia 3,ca n clip

get obd2 diagnostic tools - diyobd2.fr

How to get Consult 3 plus work with NEXIQ usb link

I’ve been trying to get Consult 3 plus V46.11.00 to work with my NEXIQ usb link. Nexiq supports J2534 so i figured I would give it a shot. I have a CF-19 Tough book which contains all me software for diagnostic. The CF-19 runs in deep freeze all the time to prevent any issues. So I typically test software I acquire on my desktop first. Long story short I installed it on my Desktop edited the .ini file and got it to show connection to my nexiq. (Haven’t tested on a car because my desktop is in my living room). So I thought I was good even wrote a short tutorial to keep with my backups of software. I then installed on the CF-19. Edited the .ini. Expected to the the USB connection with the blue dot.... Nothing. I installed both exactly the same. Im running identical versions Windows 7. There is quite a bit of software on my CF-19 I don't if its interfering or not. Does anyone have any ideas. To be so close to it working but not able to test is frustrating. Below I will put my short tutorial to show the steps I took and also maybe it will help others. (This is not my work just the steps I found on here)

J2534 PassThru for Nissan Consult 3 plus

1. Install Niassan Consult III+.

2. Make sure the driver for your PassThru is installed.

3. Open regedit.exe

4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > PassThruSupport.04.04

5. From there choose your device. (For example I have a Nexiq Usb-link, so I choose either " NEXIQ Technologies - USB-Link" or "NEXIQ Technologies - USB-Link Bluetooth". I choose to use standard USB-Link)

6. Once you've click on your device look in the right column for "Name"

7.Right click on "Name" and choose "Modify..."

8. A window will appear copy exactly what it say in the "Value data:" box. (For example mine is "NEXIQ USB-Link over USB")

9.Close regedit.

10. Naviagte to "C:\CONSULT-III_plus\System\Application\ApplicationData\CommonSetting"

11. Open "DiagnosticTool.ini"

12. Copy & Paste the text below under "access_mode=1" in DiagnosticTool.ini

with the exeption of putting the text you copied from regedit in place of "!!!!YOUR_DEVICE_NAME!!!!":






13. Done

Ps. special thanks to the one share tips above at http://mhhauto.com/

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