Given Ksuite v2.25 and v2.28 by, then follow the Kess v2 ksuite v2.25 v2.28 software installation video. Successfully read BMW ECU today.
This is the ksuite software video they offer.
k-suite installation is very easy.
Step 1 - install K-Suite v2.25
Step 2 - disable network
Step 3 - setup Ksuite properties
Step 4 - install & setup software for USB device
Step 5 - Ksuite v2.25 read BMW E90 ecu
Step 6 - setup Kess v2 v2.28 and read bmw ecu again
Kess v2 v2.25 read bmw e90 CAN ecu
K-suite v2.28 read bmw e90 ecu
Original:Kess v2 Ksuite v2.25 v2.28 read BMW E90 ECU successfully