Given Ksuite v2.25 and v2.28 by, then follow the Kess v2 ksuite v2.25 v2.28 software installation video. Successfully read BMW ECU today.
This is the ksuite software video they offer.
k-suite installation is very easy.
Step 1 - install K-Suite v2.25
Step 2 - disable network
Step 3 - setup Ksuite properties
Step 4 - install & setup software for USB device
Step 5 - Ksuite v2.25 read BMW E90 ecu
Step 6 - setup Kess v2 v2.28 and read bmw ecu again
Kess v2 v2.25 read bmw e90 CAN ecu
K-suite v2.28 read bmw e90 ecu
Original:Kess v2 Ksuite v2.25 v2.28 read BMW E90 ECU successfully
Have got the alliance vi to work with Consult3 plus software. And make Consult III+ to run it with Ford VCM II interface.
Actica Passthru+ XS
Nissan USB Diag
Alliance VI
And The obvious tool VI2
all these are the best to work with Consult 3 plus.
others will also work but maybe not as well.
The Ignition ON its not seen if you use VCM II
I use AVDI and Ignition ON it is not seen too
I read that no matter what j2534 tool you use the Ignition ON its not seen
Probably, only if use Alliance VI2, but alliance vi is quite a bit more complicated to set up
Here is thesetup of VCM II with Nissan Consult 3+.
For ford VCMII
In the Diagnostictool.ini put Ford-VCM-II
Install the consult 3 plus
Install your VCMII Manager and drivers.
In passthru 4.04 in reg edit and rename NISSAN_VI2 To something else
change name Bosch Ford-VCM-II to NISSAN_VI2
Reboot computer and test it
I tested it once with limited success.
Attachment: [Diagnostictool.ini]
Note 1: [alliance vi]
The sonde alliance vi is the end for the sonde can clip RTL. remplaced by sonde alliance vi but what is it.
Renault Aliance VCI = 100% Same with Nissan Consult III VCI...
Just & ONLY different name...
Note 2: [workable sw]Clone Consult III (who using patch) for to working with Nissan Consult III S/W, DID NOT working with Clip Software!!!
It seems now Clip S/W needs NEW "Pill" for Clones..
VVDI2 Full package came with PSA Programmer and pin reader for a few days. And today, technicians in verified vvdi2 psa tool can read pin codes and do key learning with working keys on CAN based PSA- tested no issues.
VVDI2 PSA function:
VVDI2 PSA function only support CAN line protocol to add keys, learn keys and read pincode (with working key)
note: PSA change KM function will be added maybe in the near future.
PSA cars under PSA option, years, models, etc.:
CAN line protocol based Peugeot, Citroën and DS cars
How to use xhorse vvdi2 for PSA key learning:
Just read the pin and cs from ecu.
Make backup from cluster, and the cluster configuration.
Then you make a dealer key, and learn it with pin.
tested model: Peugeot 308 2008 BSI JC pin extracted OK. Key learn OK.
So, now vvdi2 full version authorized functions includes:
(VK-01)Transponder Programmer YES
(VJ-01)Passthru J2534 YES
(VV-01)VAG 4th immobilizer NO
(VV-02)VAG 5th immobilizer NO
(VP-01)Porsche immo data tool YES
Original:VVDI2 PSA support pincode reading & key learning for CAN line PSA cars
I have the reprogramming feature with the can clip v160. I cannot see where to download and save the existing ecu data as a file. either as a backup or to save and send off for remapping.
And here is all user suggestion... Should be ok i think. Wish tips below help anyone also.
Why cannot see the option (download & save data)?
Because in your renault can clip software, there exists no option of this.
What is needed for download & save data in renault CLiP?
You need another cable for that.
Any successful experience?
Definitely yes. i have some experience with s3000 which is on petrol models after 2003 inc 2.0t sport on megane version and read manually by mpps .
i resolder obd and give 14v supply to the ecu and the mpps v12 (chinees clone) but always use supply over +13v cause the interface burning the can chip
For command name SC003, look here the picture from Dialogys e.g. DCM12 saving data before replacing the ecu :
Another photo for V42 petrol injection
There are some ecus SC003 possible >> diesel DCM12, DCM34 , petrol V42 <<
also some SC003 not implemented >> petrol EMS 3132, SIM32
So finding that command depends on the ecu, diesel have, petrol might not have.
(BIG thanks to those share info in
I’ve been trying to get Consult 3 plus V46.11.00 to work with my NEXIQ usb link. Nexiq supports J2534 so i figured I would give it a shot. I have a CF-19 Tough book which contains all me software for diagnostic. The CF-19 runs in deep freeze all the time to prevent any issues. So I typically test software I acquire on my desktop first. Long story short I installed it on my Desktop edited the .ini file and got it to show connection to my nexiq. (Haven’t tested on a car because my desktop is in my living room). So I thought I was good even wrote a short tutorial to keep with my backups of software. I then installed on the CF-19. Edited the .ini. Expected to the the USB connection with the blue dot.... Nothing. I installed both exactly the same. Im running identical versions Windows 7. There is quite a bit of software on my CF-19 I don't if its interfering or not. Does anyone have any ideas. To be so close to it working but not able to test is frustrating. Below I will put my short tutorial to show the steps I took and also maybe it will help others. (This is not my work just the steps I found on here)
J2534 PassThru for Nissan Consult 3 plus
1. Install Niassan Consult III+.
2. Make sure the driver for your PassThru is installed.
3. Open regedit.exe
4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > PassThruSupport.04.04
5. From there choose your device. (For example I have a Nexiq Usb-link, so I choose either " NEXIQ Technologies - USB-Link" or "NEXIQ Technologies - USB-Link Bluetooth". I choose to use standard USB-Link)
6. Once you've click on your device look in the right column for "Name"
7.Right click on "Name" and choose "Modify..."
8. A window will appear copy exactly what it say in the "Value data:" box. (For example mine is "NEXIQ USB-Link over USB")
9.Close regedit.
10. Naviagte to "C:\CONSULT-III_plus\System\Application\ApplicationData\CommonSetting"
11. Open "DiagnosticTool.ini"
12. Copy & Paste the text below under "access_mode=1" in DiagnosticTool.ini
with the exeption of putting the text you copied from regedit in place of "!!!!YOUR_DEVICE_NAME!!!!":
13. Done
Ps. special thanks to the one share tips above at